Sunday, November 9, 2008

Chiropractic Seminars

I just got back from a weekend chiropractic seminar and thought that I would share some thoughts. Seminars are very cool because you learn up-to-date information regarding various conditions. It is always helpful because I will learn something that will help someone with a difficult condition.

Emotions play a role in physical problems
Tying in emotions with the physical pain can help alleviate pain quicker. If you are stressed because of our current economic crisis and you are feeling that tension in your shoulders, I can use the adjusting instrument to adjust you while you think about your stress. This can break the link between the cause of the physical pain (the mental stress). While you will still have the concern, it no longer can manifest as physical pain!

Certain movements will cause pain
Adjusting you during movement is impossible to do with our hands. The adjusting instrument works great during this procedure. If you hurt while bending forwards or backwards, we can adjust you during the motions of bending forward and backwards. Amazing!

Now or later?
Most people come in years after developing a problem, and are angry when they learn that it will take time and money to reverse the problem. Especially these days, come in sooner rather than later. Some of this weekend was spent learning the physiological changes that occur over time to muscle, joints, and cartilage. You don't want these changes to occur to you!

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