Monday, May 18, 2009

Diet Cola or Coffee?

I’m switching from diet cola to coffee. Is that healthier?

I’m not so sure that coffee can be considered “health food” but when you compare the chemicals in diet colas to coffee, coffee can be considered healthier.

There have been some studies showing that caffeine taken prior to exercise can stimulate energy from fat cells. This is only for infrequent ingestion of caffeine. It’s not to say that coffee is a weight loss drink. When those people ingested caffeine regularly, the results were not as good.

Coffee the way some people drink it should be sold at 31-flavors rather than Starbuck’s. The studies were done with coffee…beans with hot water…not cream, sugar, caramel, chocolate sprinkles, etc.

Lastly, you are likely to get a dirty look from your dentist, with a speech about teeth whitening.

So while it’s unlikely that coffee is the holy grail of health, it seems to be considered by some to be “healthy” this week.

We’ll see what happens.

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