Monday, May 24, 2010

Be a Friend, Help a Friend!

We know times have been tough, and many people have lost their health insurance. But that shouldn’t prevent people from seeking the medical attention they need and deserve.

For your friends and loved ones who don’t have insurance we have “Friends Helping Friends”. As a courtesy to You, our patient, the person you refer to our office will receive a special new patient benefit.

The first visit includes:
-Orthopedic and Neurological Examination
-Spinal Functional Examination
-Deep Tissue and Trigger Point Examination
-Any recommendations and/or treatment performed that day

With Friends Helping Friends, the first visit is $50 (normally $100) and just $40 after that!

Remember, we are a sports-injury oriented office that specializes in unique and cutting edge methods such as Graston, Gonstead, cold laser, and Non-force Adjusting. These methods are helpful for injuries common to runners, swimmers, golfers, cyclists, and other athletes.

Our office gives patients the advantage of quicker recovery and long lasting results without the ‘crack’ and ‘pop’ of traditional chiropractic.

The techniques we utilize are evidence based and effective in treating such problems as headaches, rotator cuff syndrome, knee pain, degenerative arthritis, and herniated discs.

If you have a friend or family member experiencing pain, refer them to our office. Be a Friend, Help a Friend! They’ll love you (even more) for it.

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