Saturday, October 25, 2008

Helping Allergies with Chiropractic

Our immune system works to recognize and destroys bacteria, viri, pollutants, dust, pollen, drugs, tumors, de­bris and artificial substances. Your nervous system, endocrine system, diet, genes and emotions influence how well your im­mune system functions.

In most allergy disorders, the immune system overreacts to an allergen like dust, pollen, foods, dog or cat dander and the body produces too many types of histamine to neutralize the allergen.

The medical approach
Since many allergy symptoms are from an overproduction of histamines, antihistamines are often prescribed. However, antihistamines can cause heart problems and should not be used with alcohol, sedatives or tranquilizers. Many people feel terrible from taking antihistamines but think that there is no other option. Some people resort to allergy shots three times per week for years.

The chiropractic approach
Some allergy sufferers have noticed improvement with chiropractic care. I have seen this in my practice and the profession has seen this for over a century. While chiropractic care is not a treatment for allergies, the improved health of the nervous system, endocrine system and improvement in diet can have a positive effect on the bodies’ response to the allergens. If chiropractic enables the immune system to function more effectively, the symptoms improve.

How we do this- The allergy “posture”
How we help people is first identifying the allergen. Most people know what they are allergic to, so this is often the easiest part. The most challenging patients are those that are allergic to “everything.” If you think about it, how bad does the immune system have to be to over-react to “everything?” Well for some unfortunate people it does.

Once we know what the allergen is, we put the patient in the “posture” of the allergy. I would tell the patient to think of their allergy and how it makes them feel. It’s important for them to really live the allergy in their mind. While they are thinking of it, their body will subluxate into their “allergy pattern.”

Now the allergy pattern must be located. I have been using a dynamic bio-indicator analysis system that is quickly able to locate the points to stimulate on the skull. The bio-indicator is the occipital drop (OD) that was discovered by Lowell Ward, DC, developer of Spinal Column Stressology. Dr. Ward discovered that the occiput/skull area will appear to lower on the left when the person is touched on a stress point.

While the patient is think­ing of their allergy, I locate the stress points on the skull and apply the Arthrostim to those locations. We often find that the left and right sphenoid bone and occipital area need to be stimulated.

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