Thursday, October 2, 2008

Personal Training

We offer personal training to our patients. This is NOT the type of personal training that you get in gyms. In fact, I recommend that you not join a gym. I’ll tell you why.

Gyms do their promotions during “peak” seasons. They sign you up and then get your credit card number and you’re paying forever. Typically patients tell me that they have a gym membership but never go. The gyms know this. They’re not scared of signing up too many people because in a couple weeks, most people don’t show up, yet they continue to pay due to signing the contract.

Secondly, many people come to our office after injuring themselves on machines. Machines do not mimic natural movements of the body and that is why so many people get injured on them.

The two biggest reasons people don’t go the gym is lack of time and not wanting to be looked at while they exercise. They feel self-conscious about exercise.

We can solve both of those problems by teaching you how to get a great workout in minimal time and you can perform the exercises in your own home.

What we offer is a unique method of working out that involves only using body- weight exercises. You can do an amazing workout in a very short period of time (often under 15 minutes). We use multiple joint exercises rather than the single muscle exercises that are found in the gym. It’s very difficult to get injured because you are not using machines that place your joints in unnatural positions.

Now the warning is this: the exercise takes a short period of time, but you must put a maximum effort into it. This is not for everyone. If you can’t mentally put the effort in for a short period of time, it won’t work.

This form of exercise stimulates a hormone in your body called growth hormone. Anti-aging clinics are becoming popular and they are injecting growth hormone into their patients to feel younger! Yet there are two
ways that growth hormone is naturally stimulated in our body: high intensity exercise and deep sleep. It’s the high intensity exercise that
people don’t do. That’s why I’m here to help.

I will show you how to exercise to stimulate this hormone, which will result in greater strength, reduced body fat, and increased stamina. I will teach you
what to eat after a workout that will maximize these effects. Also what time of the day you perform this workout is important.

Our fee is $225 for three sessions. Three sessions is all you need because you will learn how to do this yourself. Follow-up training sessions are rarely needed.

Many people have done this in the last 3 months and have really enjoyed the results. Most people notice rapid increases in strength without bulking up. Most people notice improved sleep patterns almost immediately from this style of training.

I personally love doing this type of training because it does not take a long period of time and I don’t have to spend a lot of time in a gym.

If you are interested, let me know.

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