Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Trigger Point Therapy

Our next trigger point therapy class with be on Wednesday, January 28th . It will start at 6:00 pm and end at 7:15 pm.

We do the class in the examination room which can hold 10 people. Therefore, if you and your spouse/significant other want to attend, please let Jen know. We will reserve space for 10 people and once it’s full, we stop telling people about it.

Here’s what you will learn:

1. The causes of trigger points in the muscles.
2. What normal muscle should feel like, what trigger points feel like.
3. Locations of common trigger points that cause headaches, neck
pain, shoulder pain, and lower back pain.
4. Other therapies that help (heat versus ice, balms, stretches, etc)

Trigger point therapy has been an invaluable method for me personally as I have found that I am able to reduce my own muscular pain very quickly. It has helped me recover quicker from workouts that normally would wipe me out. It’s so simple and easy to do that people overlook it searching for a more complex way to deal with pain.

Many people leave the class asking me, “is that all there is to it?” There’s no ancient secret that takes years to master. Once you learn it, you’ll be able to do it forever.

So if you would like to attend, please let my staff know and we’ll sign you up. Bring your spouse/significant other because very often, they are the ones that can do this for you.

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